WordPress Messenger Customer Chat Plugin Releases

  • messenger chat
  • messenger customer chat
  • wordpress customer chat
  • wpmccp

Hey there folks, an update to WordPress Messenger Customer Chat Plugin (WPMCCP) should be available now.

Release Versions

1.5 - small but important update to keep the plugin working. Please update the soonest! Switched and now using Customer Chat SDK.

1.4 - primarily focus on improving the messenger experience by customizing the greeting texts for logged in and logged out users as well as changing the theme color of Messenger.


In Customize tab of plugin settings you can find the following options below:

  1. Theme Color - You can specify a hex color value to change the default theme color of messenger chat plugin.
Bye Greeting Image
  1. Logged In Greeting Text - You might want to customize the text greeting for logged in users like for example “Hello greeting”. See below:
Hello Greeting Image
  1. Logged Out Greeting Text - You might want to customize the text greeting for logged out users like for example “Bye greeting”. See below:
Hello Greeting e1529566695583 Image
  1. Dialog Display - Should you customize the behavior whether messenger should appear or not appear or a little bit of fading? This option gives you that.

  2. Dialog Delay - Should you set a delay before the greeting text appears? This is it.

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